Writer, opera singer, film director and producer

Surprise! Surprise!

Surprise! Surprise!

Can you imagine my surprise and delight this morning when I walked into the Paper Plus bookstore on Moana Avenue in Orewa, and saw this display of my novel “Boyo” that the Paper Plus management had set up near the entrance to the store – where you couldn’t miss it, where you’d practically fall over it!

Because all I’d done, the previous day, was drop off copies of the book with the management. And this morning, there it was!

I was so impressed that I nearly bought copies for my friends, then remembered that they’d already bought copies, of course, because they’re my friends.  

I’m thinking of organising bus tours. Maybe advertising them as Mystery Bus Tours – and there we’d suddenly be… surprise! surprise!


PS: If you can't make it to Orewa, you can buy your own copy right here!

Tags: Humour  Books  

Posted: Friday 1 July 2022


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